Welcome Webelos
Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts
Transitioning from Cub Scouts can be an exciting experience but also a little overwhelming for both the scouts and parents. To help ease into Boy Scouts we will create a “New Boy Patrol” shortly after crossovers occur. This allows us to work directly with the new scouts and help them grow accustomed to their new environment in scouting.
On our calendar you may have already noticed the basic campout for new scouts. That weekend will be used to thoroughly train the new scouts to be independent campers, meanwhile fulfilling nearly all of their requirements for their Tenderfoot rank as well as nearly half of their Second Class rank requirements. Putting them well on the road to our goal of First Class in their first year. This will also give them the confidence they need to participate as full trained scouts in their new troop.
Interested in visiting Troop 1941 or having our scouts come talk to your den or pack?
Contact the Scout Master at scoutmaster@troop1941.com